Presenting: °Team Leadership in Times of Crisis & Trauma-Informed Care with Infants, Young Children, and Families

Amy Carol Dominguez and Julia YearyConstitution Hall Room 3

Presentation One

°Team Leadership in Times of Crisis

Abstract: In the midst of crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters, or mass violence incidents, communities and organizations can face unique leadership challenges. Making decisions without a framework for contemplating one's position as a leader and the demands of the situation is difficult, particularly in instances where our typical leaders are missing or incapacitated.

This training provides participants with the knowledge and skills to provide effective leadership in times of crisis. Suitable for anyone in healthcare and/or disaster management fields in leadership positions at any level, participants learn tools and ideas to be even more effective in their work in a team and as individuals, a clearer understanding of what role they hold in their organization in both every day and disaster response, and a better grasp on why they respond the way they do when confronted with victories and challenges so they can be stronger in who they are and in their personal mission.

Learning Objectives

  1. Participants will be able to identify at least two tools that will help them support or lead their team in times of crisis.
  2. Participants will be able to describe the basic tenets of situational leadership and explain its application in times of crisis.
  3. Participants will be able to use the Situational Leadership Model to list at least two qualities exhibited by a good team member during times of crisis.


Amy Carol Dominguez

  • Pronouns: she/her/hers
  • Title: CECT Program Director, Vibrant Emotional Health
  • Bio: Amy Carol Dominguez serves as the Program Director for the Crisis Emotional Care Team at Vibrant. She has been working in Disaster Mental Health since 2007. Amy’s international development career has taken her around the world to countries like Ethiopia, Liberia, Colombia, Argentina, Canada, and Mexico and she has coordinated international disaster mental health responses in Haiti, Nepal, Puerto Rico, and across the United States. She is a writer and speaker, focusing on best practices in volunteer engagement and leadership. Amy is actively involved in strategic program development for youth in Latin American countries and leads the Board of Directors for the Hands Offering Hope Foundation. She holds her Masters in Public Affairs from Indiana University and splits her time between Mexico and Connecticut with her husband, Adiel, and daughters Sofia and Lucia.

There is no conflict of interest or commercial support between any presenter and Vibrant Emotional Health for this program.

Presentation Two

The Foundational Role of Trauma Informed Care in Our Work with Infants, Young Children, and Their Families

Abstract: Are infants and toddlers impacted by disaster and trauma? Of course they are! In fact, we know the first three years is a time of great vulnerability for these children as their brain development and view of the world is dependent on how their caregivers can help provide them with a sense of safety. How can caregivers do that when they are also experiencing turmoil in their lives? This workshop will provide very practical ways to apply trauma theory in supporting families with young children, or young children separated from their families. We will use vignettes and discussion to unpack helping to promote caregivers’ ability to see the experience from their child’s perspective while also supporting caregivers in their own healing journey.


Julia Yeary

  • Pronouns: she/her/hers
  • Bio: Julia Yeary, LCSW, IMH-E® has been an advocate for children and their families since graduating from the University of Hawaii in 1980 with her master’s in social work. Julia works to establish stronger support for families and their very young children experiencing stress and trauma. Julia has authored several articles including Difficult Goodbyes: Supporting Toddlers Coping with Separation Anxiety (Young Children, July 2020), The Calm in the Storm: Supporting Young Children Before, During and After a Community Disaster or Trauma, (Young Child, November 2018), and the e-book Creating Activities for Strengthening Parent-Child Connections (ZERO TO THREE, 2011). Julia is rostered in Child Parent Psychotherapy and is credentialed with the Infant Mental Health (IMH) Endorsement® for Culturally Sensitive, Relationship-Focused Practice Promoting Infant Mental Health as a mentor in both policy and clinical.
Thu 9:49 pm - 12:00 am
100 max
crisis leadership, day three, presentation, trauma-informed care